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NY Insurers Gain Edge with New AI Guidelines

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Insurers in New York have just received a gift: clarity.

Yesterday, the New York State Department of Financial Services‘ Superintendent issued a groundbreaking circular.

This guidance, which the FairPlay team is proud to have collaborated on, provides a clear roadmap for insurers seeking to leverage AI and alternative data responsibly in high-stakes applications.

In a nutshell, NY is saying you can use AI and alternative data in insurance underwriting and pricing but with essential safeguards:

Proxy Detection: Identify and mitigate potential biases in your data.
– Fairness Testing: Ensure your models are fair and unbiased.
– Less Discriminatory Alternatives: Seek alternative algorithms with lower bias if possible
– Model Governance & Documentation: Maintain robust oversight and documentation.

This is entirely achievable.

I know because FairPlay customers, including some of the world’s largest banks, do it every day.

Our fairness-as-a-service solutions were purpose-built for this regulatory regime.

Carriers who swiftly adopt AI and alternative data with appropriate bias detection, fairness optimization, and governance will gain a competitive edge in the NY market and outperform their peers.

If that aligns with your strategy, give us a call!

Contact us today to see how increasing your fairness can increase your bottom line.