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We raised $10M to help Banks and Lenders identify and correct blind spots in their decisioning systems!

Learn More!

Fairness Solutions for the
Lending Lifecycle

FairPlay optimizes underwriting and pricing strategies to improve outcomes for protected classes while staying within your risk tolerance.
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Fair Lending Analysis

Identify and overcome tradeoffs between performance and disparity

Download a sample Fair Lending Analysis here

Second Look

Double check your underwriting and pricing decisions to increase approval and take rates for protected classes

Dashboard displaying loan performance and fairness statistics

Fairness Optimizer

Tune your models to be fairer while preserving or enhancing accuracy

Screenshot of Fairplay Fairness Optimizer software dashboard.

Customer Composition

Who responded to my marketing? What’s the demographic composition of my portfolio?

Website dashboard displaying applicant composition by gender, race, age.


Are you reaching majority-minority and low-and-moderate income communities?

Interactive map showing mortgage fairness by county

Proxy Detection

Are my variables fair?

Bias versus predictive power scatter plot with variable list

Contact us today to see how increasing your fairness can increase your bottom line.